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Unfortunately I had some trouble running it on macOS+Parallels, (all the textures were black). I managed to work around it by downloading this software renderer though (just copy all the DLLs in `x64/` into the same folder as Truss.exe).

Glad you were able to get it working on there! I just hope perf was good enough, heh.

I hope to see about making & testing a native Mac build later once I finish with the final patch in a week or so.

ah i was just trying to run it on parallels and saw your comment (will try your method

This was literally incredible

nice story

I love this. I love the message, the art style, the music. Everything is creatively shown and there is always a sense of wonder. I'm so excited to see your future projects!

I know a lot of the music is adaptive, but I can't help but wonder, soundtrack when? The cabin's first theme is amazing. I just stayed in the cabin for a while just so I can hear the music. Only one other song has got me to do that.

this is lovely and i adore the text effects

tho i would like to note that an option for mouse sensitivity would be great, as mine is stuck on *very* high

I absolutely adored your game. I played it through the madvent calendar, but yours was one that easily became a favorite quickly! Keep making great stuff like this!


This game is so beautiful but it also makes you think about certian things. However it's still an amazing game!

this comment is so passive aggressive and for what

(1 edit)

omg I did not mean for it to come off that way! I genuinely love this game and it was amazing to play!  

Awesome game!


I ate an edible about an hour ago and this is the single scariest and most beautiful thing I have ever seen


Update: Replayed the game sober and for some reason I teared up. Beautiful and terrifying. Thank you so much for making this game.


Played this as part of the 2022 Madvent Calendar and was utterly immersed and amazed from the word go. Truss is an incredibly succinct, beautiful and validating experience and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.


What a beautiful game.


I can only imagine the monumental work that went into making this game, which is only about a fifteen-minute long experience (if you do all the dramatic pauses and turns I did in each new environment).

The visual effects and shader work are the most impressive part by far - the way the lines join,  dissipate, move and slide together, the way portals slice the air and open, the way the burning orange of the flames slowly consumes the house, the way textures of the walls shift and distort - it is done with such competency and such intent that I can't help but feel a deep admiration for this game.

The sound design, of all things, is what surprised me the most to how powerful it was and how much it contributed to the game. I'm mostly talking about the synth (because it's beautiful and I love it and it kinda makes me want to cry) and it's prominent and versatile use throughout the game.

Lastly, the last few minutes are pretty straight-forward with the story, where subtext almost becomes text, which I don't know if joined well with how everything was presented before (in elusive, metaphorical imagery). Dreams are often difficult to fully comprehend, at least in a way that we can vocalize, and so we are often affected by them in ways we can perceive, but not understand. To the same extent, this game deeply affected me. I'm still trying to make sense of it all while writing this, and this weird connection I now have to it feels profound. It feels important.

So maybe it is.


this was a truly dreamlike experience, and I'll no doubt carry this atmosphere with me for a little while. Incredible work!


A lovely and haunting little jaunt through the snow. A somber yet ultimately optimistic meditation on the inspiration behind creation. Practically therapeutic, worth a whirl.

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